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Clovis North High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District



College Athletics

Juniors Must:

  1. At the beginning of your junior year, log on to the Eligibility Center Website and register.  There is a $100 application fee. High-school counselors may waive the Clearinghouse (NCAA Eligibility Center) fee if you have previously qualified for and received a waiver of the ACT or SAT fee.
  2. Double check to make sure that you are taking courses that match your high school’s NCAA List of Approved Core Courses.  This list can be accessed electronically at Eligibility Center Website.
  3. Contact Kelsey Raeber prior to the end of your junior year to sign a transcript release form.  Once the transcript release form is signed by parent or guardian an official transcript will be sent to the Eligibility Center after completing your junior year. Transcript Release forms can be found on the Counseling Center website. (The Eligibility Center does NOT accept faxed transcripts.) Contact Mrs. Kelsey Raeber @ 559-327-5068, or for instructions about the transcript release form.
  4. Prior to or during the February/March registration process for your senior year, check with your guidance counselor and the Eligibility Center to determine the number of core courses that need to be completed your senior year.  (Make an appointment with your counselor to verify core courses for eligibility.)  Contact the Counseling Center at 327-5056.
  5. Transcripts for incoming Senior athletes are submitted to the NCAA Eligibility Center in the Fall, and final transcripts are sent in June after completion of all High School courses.


CNHS School Code:  050628