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Clovis North High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Resources & Intervention

"Common Sense School logo with tagline about digital learning and citizenship, dated 2022-2024."


Academic Interventions/Labs


CNEC 2024/25 Lab Schedule

A schedule for after-school and lunchtime labs at CNEC, listing subjects, teachers, and times for the 2024-2025 school year.



Emotional Health and Wellness

If your child is experiencing life-threatening distress:

Call 911 OR

Crisis support is available:
Text Crisis Line………………………………………………………………….Text HOME to 741-741

California Youth Crisis Line ……………………………………………….1-800-843-5200

Fresno County Crisis Hotline………………………………………………1-800-654-3937

Call or walk in to Fresno County Exodus Children’s Mental Health (559) 453-1008 – 4411 E Kings Canyon Rd Fresno 93702 (Open 24 hrs, 7 days a week)


Banner for Mental Health Awareness Week focusing on stress, asking "Are we coping?"

Transition Program

The Transition Program is part of a district wide effort to support student achievement.  Our founding superintendent, Dr. Floyd Buchanan believed in a "fair break for every kid."  We hold to that ideal and to the idea that all kids can learn.  As as educational team, we want to see every student reach their potential in mind, body, and spirit.


The Transition Program allows us the opportunity to focus on studetns who might not seek out suppport but would benefit from mentoring and in increased connection to school resources.  We will provide students with the resources they need to be successful in the classroom, at home, and in the community.


Kevin Miller -- Transition Program Coordinator

Gary Omi --  Transition Counselor 


Transition Resources


The CNEC Counseling Center offers academic counselling, connectivity to resources, assistance with college applications, and career pathways information.  CNEC Counseling


Both Granite Ridge and Clovis North have a Peer Counseling class, where students are trained in listening/communication skills. Once the training is complete, students are then available to talk with peers who request to see a Peer Counselor. During these "sessions", students are able to talk about issues they may be struggling with; i.e., family problems, academic problems, peer problems, etc. Peer Counselors do not give advice but attempt to help the struggling student come up with good solutions. The Peer Counselors are supervised by Mrs. Michelle Miller (Clovis North) and Mrs. Reyna Rubalcaba (Granite Ridge). This is a wonderful resource for students who prefer to speak to someone closer to their own age. Peer Counseling website. 



Resources/Clovis Support and Intervention (CSI)

Poster for Clovis Support & Intervention with silhouettes, text about group support, and a QR code.


CSI Brochure 2024 update v4.pdf

CSI Flyer Updated Version.pdf


Parents:  Click on this link here for the CN permission slip.  Click on this link here for the GR permission slip to give your student permission to participate in a CSI Group.  

Students:  Scan this QR code to get more information about how to participate in a student group (either for you or for another student you think would benefit from participating in a CSI group).


Black and white QR code with a stylized chicken silhouette in the center.

Throughout the school year at CLOVIS NORTH EDUCATIONAL CENTER, students can participate in a peer support group, as groups are available and student needs are identified.  These voluntary educational support groups are a part of our district wide CSI-Clovis Support and Intervention Program.

The goals of these groups are to increase students’ confidence, decision-making  skills, listening and communication skills and problem solving strategies. By building these personal skills and providing support, students will be better equipped to effectively cope with peer pressures, school related stress and other issues of concern.

These confidential groups meet weekly and are scheduled during one class period or lunch for 8 consecutive sessions. Groups are considered a school activity, so participating students will not be counted as absent.  However, students are expected to be responsible and make up any missed class assignments through arrangements with their teacher.

Facilitators are specially trained and CSI/SAP Certified teachers and staff in our district.

If you would like any further information or have any questions, feel free to contact your child’s teacher, school personnel or the CSI Site Coordinator.

Granite Ridge Coordinator – Nicole Berg:

Clovis North Coordinator – Laura Quall:

Please fill out this form to complete a referral





Supportive hands together with text "YOU ARE NOT ALONE" and Clovis Support & Intervention info.