Student Services Office
(559) 327-5047
Office Hours 7:30am to 4:30pm
The Student Services Office offers the following services:
Campus Safety and Security
Student Discipline & Attendance
Bullying & Harassment Reports
Incident and Vandalism Reports
Student Attendance Review Board (SARB)
Crime Stoppers
Lost and Found
Code of Ethics Hearings
Dress Code Enforcement
CNEC Student Services Community Newsletter
Dress Code
Dress Code Discipline Policy:
Students who are considered out of dress code are referred to Student Services. Students will have the option to change into other clothing, either their own or that is available in Student Services, before heading back to class. Students will receive consequences through the progressive discipline model.
Please use the links below to find information on the dress code and examples of both items both in and out of dress code.
Students will be issued consequences for each truancy or uncleared absence. Habitual truancies/uncleared absences may lead to loss of privileges, discipline, referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB), and/or referral to alternative education. Students, who leave class without permission, leave campus at lunch without proper clearance, or leave school without checking out through the Attendance Office will be considered in violation of school/District policy.
Helpful Information for Families
Student Services Staff & Administration recently had conversations with students about the behavior expectations for students while on campus. We have added the presentation below for you to review as well should you have any questions on the expectations we have for students.